Pratt Institute Archives’ access policy is guided by the International Council of Archives Principles of Access to Archives, which state that “both public and private entities should open their archives to the greatest extent possible” and that “Archives are made available on equal and fair terms”. Likewise, Pratt Institute Archives follows the Society of American Archivists’ Core Values, which cite access and use, accountability, and social responsibility as part of archivists’ professional responsibilities. As such, Pratt Institute Archives is committed to fostering transparency, open dialogue, and equity through free and open access to its archival collections. Pratt Institute Archives collections are open to faculty, staff, students, and external researchers without regard to academic or institutional affiliations.
Pratt Institute Archives prioritizes resources for the preservation of and access to unrestricted collections. Archives resources are only provided for the retention and preservation of restricted materials after careful consideration for their impact to the Archives’ mission, its commitment to providing access to Pratt Institute’s history, and considerations for privacy rights and public knowledge. Restrictions imposed on Archival materials are included in each collection’s finding aid as well as noted at the time of the request. Additionally, Pratt Institute Archives does not provide access to student records protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99).
Records of the President's Office are restricted for 25 years after the date of creation while Records of the Board of Trustees are restricted for 50 years after the date of creation.
Research visits are available through appointments Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm. To request an appointment or to consult with an archivist, please email First-time visitors will be required to fill out a registration form. Researchers may decline to inform archivists of the purpose of their research.
Individual documents and photographs from Archives collections may be digitized for access and use at the request of patrons. Faculty, staff, and students may request digital reproductions free of charge. Likewise, archival materials may be used free of charge in conjunction with Institute generated research and communications. For reproduction and use fees for patrons or publications not affiliated with Pratt, please consult the Pratt Institute Libraries Use Fee Schedule and Reproduction Fee Schedule. Materials from the Pratt Institute Archives may not be reproduced without specific written permission from Pratt Institute. To request a digital reproduction or permission to use Archives materials in any publication, contact the Archives at