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Collection at Pratt Institute Libraries and general information about Zines

Adult Braces

VIDEO: full book
Hand-bound canvas/laser print zine with mixed media additions. Edition of 10, unnumbered.

gold drawing of crown in quotation marks


A zine that highlights the various hairstyles (“crowns”) that Black women wear on a daily basis.

Body Works

Body Works considers the different ways we maintain and modify our bodies for the sake of either living up to or rejecting cultural standards. Which ways are visible, which are accessible, or necessary, or safe?

blue textures inside rounded shapes


Conditioner considers women's sense of alienation from their bodies, caused by gender norms and beauty ideals, and the ways that the wellness and skincare industries either alleviate or exacerbate that alienation.

pearl drop earring over green photo reflection

The Care of Pearls

The dissection of a YA nonfiction book chapter of the same title (The Care of Pearls) results in this collaged photography and poetry zine. The original text is reconfigured to reveal how the language of the directions for taking care of pearls parallels the confounding messaging women receive on how to take care of themselves.

abstracted fleshy close-up photograph

Feeding, again

Text extracted from 'To the man who shouted "I like pork fried rice"' & 'Orientalism (part II)': poems by Franny Choi, Floating, brilliant, gone, 2014. Martha Stewart's pork fried rice recipe.

head of woman with early 20th century hairstyle

Deadly Makeup: A Zine on the History of Makeup

A zine on the history of poisonous products women used as makeup and their side effects. Part of a set of five zines about items that have influenced women's health.

text made of blue dots on white paper

Stunt-doubling the Past, or, How I learned to stop worrying and fuck design pedagogy up the ass

This essay was originally commissioned by the Walker Art Center's digital magazine, WALKER READER, under the title 'Let's Talk About Body Reproduction' in July of 2018. Available to view online at

Hop Up Onto the Scale

Going to the doctor when you're fat can be an overwhelmingly terrible experience. Just the phrase 'hop on the scale for me' can cause anxiety, even in people who don't identify as fat or don't have an above-average BMI. These are some of the strategies I've learned to self-advocate over the years. 

watercolor illustration of city street

Big Fat Femme no. 2 : Fat in Public

A "queer, fat, white, cis femme with invisible disabilities," shares her experiences with discrimination. She mentions strangers mistaking her as pregnant, feeling uncomfortable in bathroom stalls and church pews, eating in public, using the subway system, and accessibility for fat people.

line drawing of hair in a braid

Hair Care

A series of drawings with text about the author's experience with stress-related hair loss.

person's face in profile with dots placed over it

Hard to Look At

Author writes about her personal journey with acne and skincare, and includes tips and knowledge she's learned along the way.

two semi circles in the shape of breasts


A series of drawings accompanying the author's experience consulting a doctor for breast reduction surgery

person completely covered in hair from head to toe

Take Me to the Groomers

A series of drawings with text about shaving for the first time in a long time.

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