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Internet and Data Privacy Guide

Tips for building a privacy practice with a critical technology lens

Privacy Policy at Pratt

The Pratt Institute Privacy Policy is continuously updated, and outlines data collection on Pratt's websites. The links below help explain the some highlights of the policy.

  • Pratt Institute adheres to the European Union's 2018 General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Many Pratt websites can be accessed without using your OneKey to login. Logging in with your OneKey involves sharing Personally Identifiable Information for website access. Sites that require OneKey login include and
    • Pratt Institute transitioned to the Learning Management System Canvas in Fall 2020. A June 2020 article in EdSurge discusses the potential for data from Canvas to get absorbed into other algorithms, including those that decide credit scores.
  • Pratt Institute protects the privacy of student records in accordance with FERPA.
    • Overview of FERPA.
    • FERPA does not apply to college students per se. But parents can be informed of college student behavior and performance in the following situations:
      • If the student is claimed as a dependent on tax forms.
      • If you are under 21, schools can inform parents if any law or policy around alcohol or controlled substances is violated. Pratt has a zero tolerance policy for alcohol and controlled substances.
      • If there is a stated concern for the mental health and safety of the student.
  • Pratt uses Google Gsuite.
    • Overview of Google Apps for Education package used by Pratt from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
    • Google Privacy Policy

Privacy Conversations at Pratt Institute Libraries

The video below is a recording of an October 7, 2020 panel "Privacy vs. Free Speech Online" hosted by Pratt Institute Libraries.


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