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Internet and Data Privacy Guide

Tips for building a privacy practice with a critical technology lens



  • The Networked Nature of Algorithmic Discrimination by danah boyd, Karen Levy, and Alice Marwick looks at how Human Resource algorithms use networks like LinkedIn to perpetuate racist presuppositions.
  • Wendy Chun's 2009 article Introduction: Race and/as Technology; or, How to Do Things to Race suggests that technology is created and used to force certain kinds of racialized difference through surveillance and obfuscation.
  • New York Post article about high school students at the Secondary School for Journalism in Brooklyn protesting the schools adoption of an online learning platform from Facebook in 2018, arguing that this form of learning was not effective and opened them up to further surveillance by Facebook.
  • Sarah Lamdan's 2019 article Librarianship at the Crossroads of ICE Surveillance examines the balance in libraries between privacy and intellectual freedom, and how models of data ownership in library resources can compromise the privacy of researchers.
  • Lamdan's 2015 article Social Media Privacy: A Rallying Cry to Librarians explores the post-social media privacy landscape and considers the librarian's role in intervening to protect the privacy of social media users.
  • Monica Maceli's 2019 article Librarians' Mental Models and Use of Privacy-Protection Technologies assesses librarians' existing technical knowledge of the internet's function to understand how libraries could better inform patrons of privacy concerns and privacy-protection technologies.
  • Yeshimabeit Milner - one of the founders of Data for Black Lives - wrote the 2018 An Open Letter to Facebook From the Data for Black Lives Movement that provides a compact historical analysis of data as both a tool for social change and a weapon against marginalized people, incisive critique of Facebook's handling of and monetizing user data, and outlines three steps Facebook could take towards greater data accountability.
  • Academic Jathan Sandowski's provocative April 13, 2020 article from Real Life Magazine explores the ways that governments have used crises to ramp up surveillance practices - and how increased surveillance should not be a "trade-off" for public health.
  • A February 22, 2017 article from The Intercept explores the public-private surveillance apparatus using Peter Thiel's Palantir as an example.

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