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Pratt Institute Libraries Commitment to Privacy

Borrowing Materials

Patron data is securely maintained within our integrated library system, Sierra ILS, and is regularly updated in coordination with the Institute’s Office of the Registrar . This data plays a vital role in managing circulation activities.. Library staff are authorized to access account information solely for the purpose of assisting patrons. Patron accounts typically include:

  • Your name, address, phone, email and Pratt ID number
  • Items you currently have checked out or requested
  • Items for which you have accrued for an unpaid fine

When a patron needs an item not available in the Libraries’ collections, library staff may offer  Interlibrary Loan, which is a service that allows you to request materials from other libraries.  To manage ILL requests, the Libraries use dedicated systems, specifically Rapid ILL and OCLC Worldshare..  When researchers borrow materials from other institutions, records of these transactions are used for tracking requests and communicating with patrons. To ensure privacy, your name, ID number, and email address are automatically anonymized after one week and one month respectively. Additionally, patron names and their corresponding ILL request ID numbers are recorded in Google Sheets to support efficient tracking and communication.

Finding Resources

When users search for items in the Libraries’ online collection, the Libraries collect data to support several functions:

  • Authentication: Systems gather information to facilitate access to resources restricted to Pratt students, faculty, and staff.
  • Assessment: Usage reports and analytics are collected to help library staff understand user engagement with resources. This data also informs decisions about what to add or remove from the collection.
  • Troubleshooting: Data is gathered to help library staff identify and resolve technical issues that occur with the technology.

Any data collected about patron use of the collections is used exclusively for professional purposes by a designated group of librarians. When reports are shared internally among library staff, patron data is anonymized and aggregated to help us evaluate how effectively we are serving the entire Pratt community. Patron data is never gathered in a way that discriminates against any user or user group.

Electronic Resources

Pratt Institute Libraries collaborates with a variety of vendors to provide secure and authenticated access to a broad range of online content. To manage authentication for electronic resources available exclusively to Pratt students, faculty, and staff, we use a proxy server called OpenAthens. This system, managed by library staff, collects data related to patron activity with database subscriptions.

Some databases require users to create individual accounts, in which case personal identifiable information (PII) is shared directly with the vendors. The Libraries license access to numerous databases from multiple vendors and have compiled their privacy policies in a separate research guide for your convenience.  Library users are encouraged  to review the privacy policies of each database provider.

Library Tools and Services

The following online tools used by the Libraries are tracked by Google Analytics:

These reports collect data on the browser, operating system, device location (by city), searches performed, and site navigation. However, Google Analytics does not provide the Libraries with any personal or demographic information, such as age, gender, or interests. Library staff use this anonymized data to analyze user behavior patterns, enabling them to make informed decisions to enhance the website and the systems hosting our online collections.

Library users are encouraged sers to review Google's Account Data and Privacy for additional information, including instructions on adjusting what data Google connects to your account.  One noteworthy feature is that Googles' Opt-Out Browser Add-on allows users to opt out of Google Analytics. 

In addition to using Google Analytics to track the products listed above, these third-party vendors also have their own built-in data collection tools:

You are encouraged to review privacy policies for these vendors:

Pratt Institute Archives

Researchers of Pratt Institute Archives are required to complete a registration form in order to make use of collection materials.  Basic identification information is documented on this form for communicating about requests.  

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