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Reserving Rooms

About the PMC Conference Room

The Pratt Manhattan Campus (PMC) is a conference room located within the PMC Library in room 410. The conference room can be scheduled for meetings, classroom presentations, screenings, and events. The seating capacity for the PMC conference room is 15 with additional standing room for up to 25 people including presenters, organizers, support staff, and attendees. 

When the PMC conference room is not in use for an event or by a class, it is available to all library patrons for individual and small group work. Individuals and small groups are asked to leave the room promptly ahead of scheduled events and in the same good shape they found it in.

The Libraries ask that all users of the space respect their scheduled start and end times, vacate the room promptly after their event, and leave the room in ready-to-use condition by the next scheduled group. The Libraries respectfully remind users of the PMC conference room that others in the building are studying and carrying out research. Please keep event volume at a reasonable level so as not to disturb others.

Room Features

  • 15 chairs 
  • 3 PC computers
  • Mac computer
  • Projector
  • Speakers
  • Flatbed scanning station
  • Charging station for mobile devices 
  • Adjustable white board

Room with chairs and computercolorful cards on the wall

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