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Museums & Digital Culture

Visitor Research, Emerging Technologies, and Digital Culture Research Help

Learn about your topic

When starting your research, you'll need to get the big picture on your topic. One good way to go about this is to consult a reference source like the Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science or wikipedia. Use this stage as an opportunity to get deeply familiar with your topic: learn the specialized lingo, read about related topics, and identify key themes or issues. 

Use Keywords

When you search for books, articles, and more, it is a good idea to carefully select keywords to reduce your results to only sources that are relevant to your topic. Because you've already familiarized yourself with the key themes of your topic, you'll probably have a handful of keywords to use.

Use these tips to super-charge your search results:

  • use AND in between search terms to group them together
    (ex: "Museums AND Digital" searches for results that contain both key words)
  • use OR for more results
    (ex: "Pedagogy OR Teaching" shows results for both)
  • use NOT if you want to exempt a word from your results
    (ex: "Museum NOT Metropolitan" returns results for museums but not records with the word metropolitan in them) 
  • use quotation marks "_" to isolate phrases
    (ex: "Digital Strategy" returns results that have the exact phrase in the record content while ignoring results with just the words 'Digital' or 'Strategy' independently)
  • use the wildcard * to get all versions of a word
    (ex: "Digit*" returns results for 'Digital' as well as 'Digitize' 'Digitizing' 'Digitized')

Use Specific Databases

Try these databases to narrow yourself to good sources of Museum literature.

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