Quick Search is the Pratt Institute Libraries' Discovery service.
With a single click, Quick Search provides access to the ebooks we have through our database subscriptions, as well as the libraries' entire physical collection and a selection of our own digital holdings. This includes books, DVDs, special collections materials, theses, journals, and more. It's the best place to go when you're just starting your research project.
Step 1: Visit the the library website @ library.pratt.edu and type in what you're looking for right in that main search box.
Step 2: Sometimes it is helpful to use the limiters on the left sidebar to restrict our search results. For ebooks, it may be useful to select "eBooks only" under "Limit To" or "eBooks" under "Source Types".
Step 3: When you see the ebook resource you would like to select, you can either click into the catalog item or click on the link in the preview that says "View record in [database name]".
Step 4: If you click into the catalog item, the link to take you to the database will either be in the left sidebar, titled "View Record" or "Full Text Access", or at the very bottom of the catalog entry under "Availability".
Step 5: By following either Step 3 or Step 4, you will be taken out of the Pratt catalog and to the database site where the ebook resides. Once you're there, there will be directions or instructions provided by the database on how to access your ebook.
Some of the databases will ask you to complete a secondary login in order to access the full text of the ebook. Here's a quick guide of what to expect from those databases.