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Architecture Research

A guide to resources and research in Architecture

Finding Books

When searching for books, try searching within the 'Books and Multimedia' collection. This narrows your results so that the only material types will be print and ebooks. From there you may search by keyword, subject, etc.--keep in mind these search tips.

If you want to browse books in the stacks, it is helpful to know the call number range related to the topics you're researching. Our library uses the Dewey Decimal System--within this system, architecture = 720s and area planning and landscape architecture = 710s. Within these numeric ranges you can locate more specified topics and subjects. LibraryThing outlines these subcategories and divisions.

Beyond searching for a book about a specific architect or building, you might also find chapters or sections dedicated to a certain architect or building within books that compile multiple projects in one under a thematic or topical approach. Try looking in the index or table of contents of these books.

From the Collection: Print Books

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