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Resource Sharing

If there is a book, chapter, or article that you need but it is not in Pratt's collection, we can still supply it for you through one of our Resource Sharing services!

What are you looking for?

How to Find Books


  1. Use the Discover search on the Libraries homepage to search Pratt's print and ebook holdings:
  2. If the book you are looking for is located on a different Pratt campus, request an Intercampus Transfer.
  3. If the book you are looking for is unavailable, request an Interlibrary Loan.
  4. If the Interlibrary Loan turnaround time (~two weeks) is too long, check local public libraries.
  5. Any step of the way, ask a library staffmember for help!

How to Find Articles


  1. Search the title of the article using the Discover search OR search the title of the journal using the Journals search.
  2. If the library holds the journal in print, check out the Using Periodicals guide for information on how to track down a specific article.
  3. If the article or journal is unavailable, request an Interlibrary Loan.
  4. If you're having trouble, ask a library staffmember for help!

How to Find Book Chapters


  1. Use the Discover search on the Libraries homepage to search Pratt's print and ebook holdings:
  2. If the book you are looking for is available at Pratt, visit the library to read or scan the chapter or place a PDF request.
  3. If the book is not available at Pratt, request an Interlibrary Loan.
  4. Any step of the way, ask a library staffmember for help!

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