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Performance and Performance Studies

A guide to resources and research in performance and performance studies

Browsing Relevant Journals

There might be times when, in addition to searching for specific articles, you will want to browse through core and other relevant journals in your discipline.  The Libraries' collections include both print and electronic journals, though most of the titles in performance and performance studies are available only as e-journals.  In some cases, you will not be able to access a complete run, but usually the latest years will be available so that you will have access to the most current research.

The lists of journal titles in this guide are representative, not exhaustive, and generally do not include journals in other fields that might be applied to particular topics in performance studies.

Electronic Journal Access

To access any of these journals, select the Journals box on the Libraries' home page and then, on the new page, enter the title in the search box, making sure the Journals Only option button is selected first.  The results list will show the databases in which the journal is indexed, along with the date ranges for each database.  It will also indicate whether the Libraries have a print run.  Below the search box you will see a list of broad disciplines that will allow you to browse additional journals in those fields (not shown in this image).


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