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HMS 103A-05: Intro to Lit/Crit Studies II

This guide will help you map out your research plan, find relevant sources for your topic, cite sources, and more.

MLA Style Help

There are a few different citation modes when using MLA style.  One is for in-text citations, which appear in the body of your paper.

Another is the full citation included in the "Works Cited" page, which gives publication information for all of your sources.

A few sites for MLA style help are:


The OWL at Purdue

These sites also help with other style formats including APA, Chicago and CSE.

Works Cited Page

The Works Cited page is where you list all of the sources you have paraphrased, summarized or quoted in your paper. It might also be referred to as a bibliography or list of references. 

The Works Cited page is alphabetized by author's last name and goes at the end of you paper.  

Print book with one author:

Walker, Alice. The Color Purple. New

   York: Pocket Books, 1985. Print.

Print book with two authors:

Edison, Thomas, and Nikola Tesla.

   It Was All in Good Fun. Newark:

   Electric Press, 1910. Print.

Print magazine article with one author

Prose, Francine. "The Unblinking

   Judy Linn." Aperture 206 (2012):

   44-47. Print.

Electronic magazine article with one author.

Prose, Francine. "The Unblinking

   Judy Linn." Aperture 206 (2012):

   44-47. Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson).

   Web. 23 Aug. 2012.

Print journal article with one author:

Cartlidge, Neil. "Criseyde's Absent

   Friends." Chaucer Review 44.3

   (2010): 227-245. Print.

Electronic journal article with one author:

Cartlidge, Neil. "Criseyde's Absent

   Friends." Chaucer Review 44.3

   (2010): 227-245. Art Full Text

   (H.W. Wilson). Web. 23 Aug. 2012.

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